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Pluto Anime Review: Discovering the Meaning of Humanity

Pluto is adapted from manga of the same title, written by Naoki Uruwasa.

This year, Netflix has been adding more anime and most of them are great (at least for me). I just finished watching Pluto, a mystery-action anime. Surprisingly, Pluto is far beyond my expectation. Compared to other anime, each episode has a longer duration, around an hour. But trust me, the suspense in every episode will keep you hooked.

Pluto is adapted from manga of the same title, written by Naoki Uruwasa. It follows Gesicht, Europol’s top detective robot who is solving homicide cases targeting seven best robots and humans. During the investigation, Gesicht finally reveals the bitter truth behind this case.

Pluto is connected to Astro Boy universe. If you’re a fan of Astro Boy, you might know all the characters that appear here, such as Atom, code name of Astro Boy.

Living in the era where Artificial Intelligence (AI) is growing rapidly, I can relate and imagine what might happen in the future. Pluto is showing a futuristic era where humans and robots can live together. However, the more sophisticated robots become, the more blurred the line between them and humans. It’s hard to recognize humans and robots because they are becoming more alike.

This condition raises problems for some people. The group called anti-robots spreads hatred among the society. The situation getting more complicated because there is a threat endangering the world.

Pluto is showing you how to portray humanity. Humans as the cleverest creation can’t take responsibility for their inventions. Greed only leads to war and never-ending hatred. In the end we only want peace but ironically we know peace never exists.

Professor, do you ever think we’ll see the end of hatred?

We don’t know. But we’re going to work toward that day all the same.” (last episode of Pluto).

Pluto is a must-watch anime in 2023. Personal rating: 5/5

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